The Case For Concrete: The Advantages Of Choosing Concrete For Your Custom Swimming Pool

Installing a custom-designed pool can bestow a touch of luxury to almost any property, while simultaneously giving you a good place to cool off during a typically brutal Australian summer. However, designing and building a custom pool on your property also represents a pretty significant investment, so naturally you will want to ensure that your pool is capable of standing the test of time.

As such, concrete is always a popular choice of material for pool construction, granting unmatched durability and weather resistance to swimming pools both large and small. However, concrete isn't simply chosen for its toughness, and opting for a concrete pool can come with a whole host of attractive advantages. Here are some of the best reasons to choose concrete for building your dream pool:

Durability and longevity

As previously mentioned, concrete pools are enormously durable, and can be expected to last for decades without encountering significant leaks or other maintenance issues. As a comparatively inert material, concrete will not be damaged by high concentrations of chlorine and other cleaning chemicals, while heavy winds and storms that may pose a problem for fibreglass pools are shrugged off by concrete pools.

Easy repairs

If by some grave misfortune your durable concrete pool does become damaged, it can be repaired more easily than other pool building materials. Cracks and divots in your concrete can be fixed in-place by a pool contractor, allowing your pool to return to surface as soon as the repair work has been allowed to properly dry and cure -- by comparison, other pool materials (such as fibreglass or plaster) may need to undergo extensive repairs or even total replacement, even in cases of superficial damage.


Concrete pools are not pre-fabricated, but instead are designed, constructed and completed on-site using liquid concrete. This approach means that there are very few limits on the size, shape and overall design of your pool, and concrete can be used to create striking, distinctively-designed pools that cannot be created with other materials. On-site construction also eliminates the cost of transporting a pre-assembled pool to your property, and allows you to supervise the entire design and construction process to guarantee satisfaction.

Customisable after construction

If you want to add some extra touches of flair to your pool, such as spa jets or underwater lighting, concrete is the perfect pool material to choose. Because concrete pools can be modified relatively easily without damaging their structural integrity, lights, jets and other accessories can be retrofitted to an already-complete pool with minimal hassle. This is a particular boon if your dream pool isn't quite within your financial reach, allowing you to enjoy your fully usable pool while saving up for those expensive extra touches.

Increased property value

Unlike a simple above-ground pool made of metal or fibreglass, a concrete pool represents a permanent and highly desirable addition to your property that can significantly increase the resale value of your home. As such, a well designed and properly build concrete pool can end up paying for itself if and when you decide to move on from your current home.
