Common Causes of Air Leaks That Pool Owners Should be Aware of

A common issue that most swimming pool owners find difficult to handle is pump problems. More often than not, when swimming pool owners notice an abnormal amount of bubbles coming out of the return lines and back to the pool, the first thing they do is call their pool contractor. It is not wrong to call in for pump repairs because many air bubbles might suggest an air leak in your pump. However, before calling your pool contractor, it is important to find out the exact source of the air leak because the pump might not always be the problem. This article provides homeowners with information regarding the possible causes or sources of air leaks in their swimming pools.

Water Level below Skimmer Intake -- When you notice many bubbles coming out of return lines, the first item you should look at is the water level around the skimmer intake. Ideally, the water level should be above the half way line of the skimmer intake. At this level, it is hard for the skimmer to suck in air to your pool pump. However, if the water level is below the skimmer's halfway line, air will be sucked through the intake pipe and to the pump, where it might cause damage. What you should do in such a case is to fill your swimming pool until the skimmer uptake is covered halfway up. 

Loose Strainer Lid -- Another cause of air leaks in a swimming pool would be a loose filter lid on the pump itself. The strainer cover is supposed to keep debris out of the contents of the pool pump. Since screws or bolts usually secure the cap, there is a possibility that with time, these fasteners might get loose. As a result, air starts leaking from the pump despite the pump being in good working condition. In such a case, you should turn off the pump, tighten the screws or bolts, and then turn it on. If there are no more bubbles, you can rest easy. However, if the bubbles do not go away, then the problem would be somewhere else.

Loose Drain Plug -- In most cases, air leaks do affect the suction side of the pool pump. As such, you cannot go wrong by checking the drain plugs. Drain plugs might have cracked O-rings, which can easily allow air into the pump. Therefore, check the O-rings and ensure that they are not loose or broken. If they are not in good working condition, replace them with new ones. Rectifying a leak can be as easy as replacing worn out O-rings, but make sure that you get the right parts for your particular pump.
